First and Second Year Reviews

In order to provide feedback and clarify departmental expectations, all first and second year students have annual reviews. These reviews consist of an individual meeting of the student with the Director of Graduate Studies and the student’s potential advisor. The meetings will usually take place toward the end of the spring semester.

In addition to providing feedback, the annual review also allows students and their advisors to ask questions or convey any relevant information about the student’s progress. The meeting is also used to plan for the future, including the choice of courses, fields and the timing of prelims. Filling out and/or updating a copy of the course requirements checklist is an essential part of this meeting.

Evaluation of student’s progress will be based primarily on transcripts and evaluations completed by faculty who taught students in their courses as well any information conveyed during the meeting.  The results of the review may be used in decisions about financial aid or other forms of departmental support.