Alumni Spotlight

  • First Lieutenant Eric S. Vernsten is a Judge Advocate for the Illinois Army National Guard, as well as a Prosecutor in Northwest Illinois and Comedy Podcast host.
  • Chad is an Associate Dean at Illinois State University’s Milner Library. In that role, he administers the Public Services unit that provides collection development, government documents, instruction, reference and research services, and subject librarian services and the Information Technology...
  • One of the first American students to study abroad in the PRC, David received his MA and JD from UIUC and today works as the CEO of Gogolak Communications Group in Milwaukee, WI as well as an attorney specializing on matters related to East Asia.
  • XiXi attended Harvard Law School after graduating from Illinois and, after a bevy of internships, a clerkship in the office of Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass) and experience working at a DC regulatory law firm, she became Associate Corporate Counsel for Google Fiber in new York City.
  • A Bronze Tablet scholar, Centenary and Burkhardt prize-winner and president of the Penny Dreadful Players during her time at Illinois, Sara is excited to begin her teaching career in secondary education and infuse her students with her infectious love and passion for history and theater.
  • Kristen's enthusiasm for research, public history and the digital humanities convinced her to pursue a career in museum studies and becoming Museum Coordinator of the Illinois Distributed Museum. As a History major, Kristen honed her research and writing skills and took advantage of multiple...
  • Rachel's position at the University of Illinois foundation marries her professional interests in non-profit fund raising and higher education and allows her to stay close to, and support, her beloved alma mater.